Agent Engagement

Empower your agents
with tools for success

Agent Engagement


Empower your agents with the tools to help them succeed

Companies that can keep service agents on the job longer not only reduce operating costs but also improve customer satisfaction.

- McKinsey&Company, Excellence in the Digital Age

The relationship between agents and their organization is an often overlooked one. Focus is primarily placed on customer experiences, but what happens when you value both agents and customers alike?

Agent Retention

Valuable expertise is an incalculable loss, especially to a competitor. Agent attrition averages 30-45% and costs at least 25-30% of benefits and salary paid.

Operational Efficiency

As agent skills grow and mature, so does organizational efficiency. In the contact center, such skills easily propagate through a team, multiplying operational efficiency.

Grow Your Organization

Employees engaged in the success of your enterprise are more creative, dedicated and successful. They ensure the success and future of the Enterprise.


Reduce operating costs and boost CX with workplace system ergonomics.

Ready to make agent experience a priority? Speak to us today.

Workforce Optimization

Leverage industry-leading Workforce Optimization tools from partners Verint, Genesys, Five9, and Salesforce. These tools have been developed specifically to enable agents to schedule their work with mobility, flexibility, and adherence to organizational requirements.

Desktop & Process Analytics

Desktop & Process Analytics allows your business to gain visibility into your agent desktop activities, application usage, processes, and schedule adherence to reveal hidden capacity and increase productivity in your contact center.